I have been neglectful of my blog lately.
purposefully. Our lives like many have been full.
But, unlike many, it has been full happily.
Besides last week when all of us were under
the weather with colds,
life has been good.
Lots of field trips.
We are discovering the abundance of opportunities
near our home.
We have been to a couple of Forts---Fort Clinch and Fort Caroline.
One is much larger than the other, but both
are deep in history.
We plan to visit the Fort in St Augustine soon.
We are loving the Forts.
My husband took our oldest to the submarine museum
Sunday- both want to return there soon.
We have collected many shells on our beach excursions
and are in the process of identifying them
with the aid of a shell book.
Lots bird watching around here and loving it.
We have started a bird chart and are recording our sitings.
Also, attempting to learn their calls.
We are listening, looking, smelling, and touching
We are constantly amazed.
As for our homeschool journey, we are in term 3,
our last term for this school year.
Since switching to Math-U-See, math is
much more enjoyable for both my son and me.
We watch the DVD, then we do examples on our
whiteboard, next my son works in his workbook.
Afterwards, we go over the workbook
til both of us feel mastery has been achieved.
Ordered Handwriting Without Tears two weeks ago.
I felt my son needed some extra guidance.
Not that my son's handwriting is awful,
but it definitely could improve.
So far, I am thrilled. My son actually enjoys it.
So it is a win win for us.
American history is coming along nicely.
We are currently reading Stories of the Pilgrims
by Margret B. Pumphrey, highly recommend.
Short engaging stories of the pilgrims' struggles
prior to their pilgrimage to the New World.
It also includes stories of their life
in a strange New World.
It is a living historical fiction based on sound
historical facts and records.
We are winding down our studies of Ancient Egypt this week.
Next week and for several weeks after that,
we will be reviewing our year studies of
Creation through Ancient Egypt.
With our science, we are slowly progressing along
in Exploring Creation with Astronomy.
We are a little behind in our notebook entries,
but hoping to catch up this week.
Our geography has us traveling all over the globe.
In the book Window on the World
by Daphine Spraggett with Jill Johnstone,
we are learning and praying for many countries and people.
My son enjoys the globe and we play
who can find the country or people first.
Much fun.
We are rereading Paddle to the Sea.
This go around we are incorporating map work
in our studies.
We are also using our imagination and talking about
what other adventures Paddle might be experiencing.
My son has such the imagination.

As you can see, our days are full
and happy.
We are deep into our Lenten studies,
but that is another post.
Hope life is being good to you too.
Many blessings.