We have completed our first six weeks of this year.
How is it going?
Rewarding, exciting, ..., frustrating, hard...
Our weekdays are full, really more full than I would like.
There is Cub Scouts on Monday evenings,
soccer on Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
Church Wednesday and Sunday,
and Co-op classes Wednesday mornings,
oh, and let us not forget speech on Tuesday afternoons.
My husband and I have talked about it
and we really don't see at this time where we can cut back.
It is mainly our evenings that are so full.
We plan our family meals around the activities.
It is important that we get in our family meals
as much as possible.
Most of the time we are able.
I am in the process of tweaking our home school.
My oldest is struggling with his math facts.
We are slowing down til he has mastered them.
Going to use more of a Waldorf inspired math block
starting soon. Still reading about it.
Plan to implement around week nine.
Reading is coming along.
My oldest is showing lots more interest in reading.
He has picked out two books
that he is independently reading.
It is wonderful to see him snuggled up with a book.
We are really enjoying the Burgess Seashore book.
Living near the ocean has really brought this book to
life for us.
Our history readings are exciting.
My son drew a picture of the Lexington and Concord
battles. He can describe the bravery of the Americans
at Bunker's Hill.
Our struggles are with our family rhythm
during the day.
I take a lot of blame for this.
For the past two months, I have been working more.
This has lead to me being tired and my patience slim.
Our morning candle lighting and circle time
have been inconsistent.
Our beautiful baking days, painting, drawing days
have gone by the wayside for the last few weeks.
Again, my husband and I talked.
We feel it is more important that I am fresh for the children.
So, starting in November, I will be working only one day a week.
I think this will make a big difference.
Looking forward to getting back into rhythm.
Home schooling is hard work, but I would not change a thing.
Many blessings.