Here is a fun grammar resource we have been reading,
Grammar-Land by M.L. Nesbitt.
The book is about
Judge Grammar and his nine parts of speech.
There is a rich Mr. Noun, a busy Dr. Verb, a ragged Article, etc.
A very whimsical book written in 1878.
Written to help children understand the nine parts of speech
without being too bored.
We are reading a chapter and doing the exercise
suggestions at the end of each chapter.
My son is enjoying the stories.
And yes, the stories have made learning
about the nine parts of speech fun.
No yawning noted.
You can download it free
here and
Can purchase it
Downloaded our copy from
homeschool freebie.
Wonderful site, by the way.
Another site to get free book downloads is
Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project.
(bringing yesterday's classics to today's children).
They did not have Grammarland, yet.