Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Be obedient, Be Forgiving, and Believe. Last week was Vacation Bible School at our church. The children surfed through the scriptures. My son had a blast. He goes around the house singing the songs. I have been the Director for the past four years. It is alot of work, but seeing the children learning more about God is uplifting.

1 comment:

Jerri Dalrymple said...

This is very off topic, but just wanted to say hi. I found you on ambleside and felt a great connection. We are starting our first year as well. I'm a ghost on ambleside...meaning I haven't posted yet. I have 3 daughters, ages nearly 13, just turned 11, and 5. This will be our 3rd year hsing, but first with something as informal as CM. I love your blog! Your boys are beautiful creatures and I can tell you truly love the Lord and are following His path for your family. Come check me out if/when you want at http://thedalrympleschoolamongthethorns.blogspot.com/ I hope to keep up with you! :0)