Sunday, November 8, 2009

30 Days Of Thanks- Days Six, Seven, and Eight

I am thankful for:

6) being able to stay home and nurture my children's growth.
7) long runs on Sundays
8) the conservations my friend and I have
on our long runs on Sunday.

Love being a stay at home mommy.
There is no greater gift.

Ran 15 miles today.
We were supposed to run 17,
but running with a cold and cough
can be difficult.
January is getting closer and closer!
Many blessings.


Michelle said...

I love the posts about thankfulness. I need to really focus my attention in this area! Great job on the running. Oh, I still need the motivation to keep myself in a routine of exercise. Meeting someone to run is so very helpful!

Hen Jen said...

wow, 15 miles, I am in awe!