Friday, May 23, 2008

Bird Surprise

We were on our way to the park yesterday, when we came upon these birds. I stopped the car and took pictures. It was amazing. I think the birds were feeding on crabs and small fish. We live on the coast and there are wetlands "marsh" all around. The three bigger birds were just wandering around like they were on a stroll. These birds are called Wood Storks and are endangered birds. The last picture is a White Heron. We see these alot. Now, that we are taking the time to observe God's creation more, we are really "seeing" things that before we just would pass by. Thank you God for such lovely birds.
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Hen Jen said...

wow, I just love the storks!!

A and C from GA said...

I love your bird pics!! You get to experience such wonderful, interesting and different parts of God's Creation where you live so it's nice to get to take a peek through your blog and what else is out there! Thanks for sharing!--Angie in GA