Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Random Thoughts

As I am researching and planning my oldest child's year one curriculum, I am finding a few things that I am gravitating towards. I have a definite love of anything old, classic, vintage. Everyday I am locating books written in the 1800's used for teaching children. I am hooked so to speak. I am working on incorporating some of these finds into our year one. Some will be part of our math, some our science, but most will be part of our free readings. I am having so much fun. I will post more on my hooks as I try to figure out how to schedule them.

The weather has been beautiful here lately, shorts have been in order on most days. Our outdoor time is increasing. I can definitely tell a difference in not only the children but myself. Fresh air, sunshine, and cool breezes does a lot to uplift spirits. We are just loving it. Hope everyone has a blessed weekend.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

There is such joy in finding just the books isn't there? I LOVE to see my kids reading and enjoying a good story. My Mom and Dad own an antique shop which specializes in books. I often go there just to browse and borrow. Happy reading!