Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer heat, humidity, and illness

Summer is here and so is our family's friend, the summer cold. This time he brought buddies. Both the twins have ear infections, one of the twins has strep, and both have yucky cold symptoms with a croupy cough. My 6 yr old son and Daddy have just the yucky cold. Mommy feels run down. So, we have welcomed the summer with a bang. Hopefully, we do not spend the whole summer sharing back and forth.

1 comment:

Swylv said...

what is school of the laity? also church traditions such as sunday worship and 12/25 and ishtar are not Scriptural and are heathen days

just an fyi


3 of our intructors for Intro to Jewish Roots are cemetary (er uh seminary) graduates and they are told from day one that all ministers agree 12/25 is not the birth of Yeshua and they are told that there are several hot topics that will not be brought up/discussed in class and anyone who does so will be sent to the "principles" office ... LOL