Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our/My Unplug Week

Well, last week was our unplug week. How did it go? Okay. I started each day by checking my e-mails and any blogs I wanted to read, afterward, cutting the computer off. Then our day began. No TV during the day, no change there, the TV is off most of the day anyway. The problem came up when I had to download my oldest son's handwriting. I found myself lurking at blog posts and my e-mails, but only for a few minutes though. Also, when my hubby got home and after dinner, the TV came on. My hubby was a no go with the unplug thing. He likes to watch a movie after the children are down in bed, so I wanting to be the good wife joined him. All in all, I would give our unplug week a B-. The TV was off till around 7:30 pm daily. I did limit my computer time to just the am with the occasional peak when downloading lessons during the day. What did I do with my time? You got to be kidding? Clean, declutter, organized, organized, and most importantly spent even more time with my children reading, playing, coloring, etc. Classical music was played or nothing at all was played. Sometimes the only sounds through the house were the sounds of nature and giggles. Unplugging was a good thing. Maybe next time, I will totally unplug myself from the computer.....hmmmmm.......I really will have to pray on that one.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I had to laugh when I read about your husband being a no go for the unplug. I have mentioned doing something similar before and mine said, "Why in the world would we not watch tv?" He just couldn't understand that one!